St. Francis is opening a new Kupuna Village on the Liliha Campus, a Senior Community Center designed for seniors who want to be active and engage with others to remain healthy in body, mind and spirit.

We will have a Wellness Center and a Bistro and want to have a variety of cooking and nutrition classes. We are looking for RDs with a culinary twist and who enjoy teaching.

This is a great opportunity for some of our entrepreneurs who are launching their practice or students who need to gather some experience. We can’t offer compensation at this time, but we would reimburse for any expenses.

We also have opportunities for nutrition students as a hospice volunteer. This is not for everyone, but nutrition students have reported how beneficial it has been to work with texture modified diets, developing bedside rapport with elderly patients, and be exposed to working in a facility (Looks good on the resume when applying for internships).

We appreciate your help in furthering our mission to provide for the needs of Hawaiʻi’s growing senior population.

Mary Arakaki RD
Manager Volunteer Programs

2228 Liliha Street
Paiko Bldg, Suite 106
Honolulu, HI 96817
Phone: 808-547-8142
Cell: 808-265-5720