Castle Medical Center

Registered Dietitians provide medical nutrition therapy and nutrition counseling tailored to meet individual goals. Diabetes management, individualized weight loss, and a meal replacement program are some of the services offered. Insurance coverage is available for some services. For more information, visit the Castle Medical Center website.
To schedule an appointment, call the Wellness & Lifestyle Medicine Center at 808-263-5050. For information regarding the Surgical Weight Loss Institute, call 808-263-5176.

Kahi Mohala Behavioral Hospital

To receive Nutrition Therapy for disordered eating, call 808-671-8511 and ask to speak to the Registered Dietitian.

Kaiser Permanente

Kaiser Permanente members can call the Center for Healthy Living office at 808-432-2260 to inquire about nutrition and lifestyle resources and to schedule an appointment with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RD/RDN).  Members and non-members can access the website for nutrition and health information.

Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women & Children

Outpatient Registered Dietitians are available to provide Medical Nutrition Therapy, specializing in Women and Pediatric Nutrition. They also take part in community wellness fairs and give nutrition-related presentations. To schedule an appointment or request a referral form, call 808-983-8224, Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.

Pali Momi Medical Center

A physician referral is needed for outpatient medical nutrition therapy. Contact the registered dietitians to schedule an appointment at 808-485-4327.

Kokua Kalihi Valley Health Center

KKV offers nutrition services and chronic disease management to include individual Medical Nutrition Therapy; lifestyle classes for weight management; monthly group visit education (MD & RDN team) for patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease; and six-week group self-management programs in diabetes, arthritis and chronic disease.
Current KKV patients may be referred to these services as part of their comprehensive medical care, at no additional cost. There is a fee for services for non-KKV patients (must live within KKV’s service area). Call the Appointment and Information Line: 808-791-9443.

Queen’s Medical Center

To schedule an appointment for medical nutrition therapy, call 808-691-4823.
To schedule an appointment with the Comprehensive Weight Management Program, call 808-691-7546.

Straub Clinic & Hospital

Outpatient Registered Dietitians (RD/RDN) are available to provide Medical Nutrition Therapy, take part in community wellness fairs and give nutrition-related presentations. Straub dietitians participate in the HMSA Diabetes Education Provider Network (physician referral required). To schedule an appointment or request a referral form, call 808-522-4325, Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.

Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center

Outpatient dietitians provide Medical Nutrition Therapy to all ages for various disease states with a strong focus on diabetes, kidney disease, obesity, cardiovascular disease and more. They also are available to teach lifestyle programs/classes and for wellness fairs and community talks as time allows. To schedule an appointment or for more information, call 808-697-3328.