Dietitians in the Media

Back To School; Healthy Meals – KHON2 News

School is back in session for thousands of students. How can you keep kids healthy?

Kaiser Permanente’s Registered Dietitian Malia Cabral has tips.

Aired on August 1, 2014 on KHON News.

Click here to watch video.

Dietitians in the Media

TV coverage of the Super Kitchen Project

The Super Kitchen Project feeds Waimea was featured on Big Island Video News. It includes commentary by Vivienne Aronowitz MPH, RD, CDE.

Click here to watch video report.

Community Events

Breastfeeding: A Winning Goal-For life

On August 15, 2014, Castle Medical Center partnered with the state Department of Health (DOH) in “Breastfeeding: A Winning Goal—For Life,” geared especially for expecting or new moms. The event included a keynote address by pediatrician Brigit Reis, MD, breakout sessions on a variety of topics that outlined the benefits and management of breastfeeding, and a Q & A session with a panel of breastfeeding experts and mothers.
Heidi Hansen Smith provided an update on Hawai’i’s “Baby Friendly,” a DOH Healthy Hawai’i Initiative. Breakout sessions included “Food Myths about Hapai and Breastfeeding Moms”, led by CMC director of Nutritional Services Ruby Hayasaka, MS, MA, RD, who is president of the Hawai’i Dietetic Association. Participation reached about 75  mothers in a peer and healthcare professionals – sharing of breastfeeding education and  practice.

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Community Events

Decolonizing our Diets: De-processing SPAM

Returning to our Roots Monthly Dinner Series

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

ROOTs Café, 2239 N School Street
Dinner available for donation $10
Served from 5:30 – 6:30
All proceeds go to support the garden at Ho`oulu `Aina

Presentation and enlightened discussion to start at 6:30 pm.

RSVP required:
SPAM, we love you. So crispy, salty, fatty, delicious with eggs, with green beans, in musubi. You remind us of growing up. You remind us of our grandmothers. But SPAM, do you love us too? As we continue our journeys to decolonize the diets of ourselves and our families, we have to struggle with difficult questions: what do we do when a food that holds such an honored place in our homes is also bad for our bodies, bad for the bodies of those who labor to produce it, and bad for our work to reclaim healthy food systems? Can we “de-process” SPAM in creative ways that can truly make this food a part of a healthy community? Laugh and cry with us as we share poetry, historical research, family stories, and reflections on our quest to create home-made SPAM from local ingredients . This dinner will feature homemade SPAM (both pork and maybe vegan…we are going to try) and we are looking for a few volunteers to help us make it! Looking for volunteers in the kitchen on Monday, August 18 from 1-6 pm and August 19 from 3 -6 pm. Please let us know if you can help with food prep.

Featuring Aiko Yamashiro, Kelsey Amos, Craig Perez and students from Farrington HS

We were sold out last month, so please RSVP early if you know you will be coming.

Community Events

Komen Race for the Cure on October 19, 2014

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is in October!

The Hawaii Dietetic Association is currently forming a team of members who would like to participate in the:

What: Komen Race for the Cure

When: Sunday, October 19th (Kapiolani Park: check-in ends at 6am, run/walk starts at 7am)

Who: Hawaii Dietetic Association members

Why: Help spread awareness about breast cancer and raise research funds for a cure for breast. This gives us an opportunity to get together for a little morning exercise!

Hurry and register for our team “Hawaii Dietetic Association” on the Susan G. Komen Hawaii website. Early bird registration ($25) ends in mid-August, so register today! Regular registration will be shortly after at a price of $30.

Click here for details.

Any questions can be directed to Miho Fujii, team captain of the Hawaii Dietetic Association Team.