HAND Annual Spring Conference

2014 Annual Spring Conference: Save the Date

Conference Details

Friday, May 2, 2014
7:15 am to 4:00 pm

Harbor View Center
1129 North Nimitz Highway, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817

Located above Nico’s at Pier 38
Honolulu Harbor Fishing Village

Enjoy a day of reconnecting with your colleagues, networking, eating great food, chatting with vendors and learning while earning up to 6 hours of CPEUs at the vibrant Honolulu Fishing Village on O‘ahu.

HDA Save-the-Date flyer

HVC Directions

HVC Parking Map

The Bus


Dietitians in the Media

Rethink Your Drink Campaign

“On November 13, the Department of Health released effectiveness data for its three-month long Rethink Your Drink campaign which aired earlier this year.  The campaign urged Hawaii teens to swap sugary drinks for water and other healthier beverages.  Teens in Hawaii consume more sugary drinks than any other age group, with 46 percent reporting that they consume sugary drinks daily, totaling about 1300 extra calories per week.  Currently, one in four high school students and one in two adults in Hawaii are overweight or obese.  The campaign reached about half of Hawaii teens, and 60 percent of those reported drinking fewer sugary drinks as a result of seeing the ads. The Department of Health is re-launching the campaign from now through February 2014, in the hopes of reaching 100 percent of Hawaii teens.  This campaign is part of a comprehensive set of interventions being implemented by the state to address Hawaii’s obesity epidemic.” Click here for the official press release. Visit our Nutrition Resources for Dietitians page to download the factsheet.



Dietitians in the Media

Aloha Care Magazine

The summer 2013 issue of Aloha Care Magazine is featuring “Farmers’ Market Helps You To Eat Healthy” on pages 10-11.

Quarterly Newsletter

Newsletter – October 2013

Aloha HDA members and fellow colleagues,

My first few months as your president have been filled with opportunities and challenges alike. With these opportunities and challenges comes great reward. I have received emails from you, our members saying how much you appreciate receiving updates and announcements. HDA is made up of a diverse and dynamic group of individuals. As a member, I have personally enjoyed meeting and networking with fellow colleagues.

There is a lot to look forward to in 2014. HDA will be celebrating 75 amazing years as an organization. This is an exciting time for Hawaii dietitian nutritionists. We are in the midst of changes in the way health care is being delivered and this includes critical nutrition services we provide to our patients and our Hawaii community. These changes will provide dietitians with the unique opportunity to advance our profession and show the value of the services we provide.

The theme of our 2014 Annual Spring Conference is “Kulia: Strive!” How timely and fitting this theme is given all we have accomplished and the future opportunities which lie ahead. We are looking forward to recognizing and celebrating the work of those dietitians who paved the way for the future of dietetics in Hawaii. We welcome your submissions of pictures past and present, HDA memorabilia of all kinds, and any stories you wish to share with your fellow colleagues. Your Spring Conference Committee is hard at work planning what promises to be an engaging and informative event. We are excited about the proposed line up of speakers. As always, we value your input and suggestions for topics as well as speakers.

One of the goals of the board is to increase member involvement and our visibility as nutrition experts in and among the community. HDA and its members have participated in numerous community events, health fairs and professional coalitions. In the spirit of sharing, I would love to hear from those of you who are currently involved in any food or nutrition related initiatives.

Your board of directors met on September 19th to do some strategic planning. Part of our strategic plan includes bringing more value to you our members! We have a new and enhanced HDA website. I invite you to visit the website often for updates and opportunities to earn free CEU’s. The board has a number of committees working on some very exciting projects. Committees needing your help and talents include our Website, Public Policy Panel, Fundraising and Spring Conference planning committees. Additionally, please consider running for office or getting involved at a level that is workable for you. The HDA board meetings are always open to all HDA members. Board meetings are held bimonthly at Castle Medical Center in the administrative conference room. A list of dates is available on the HDA website.

As an organization of more than 300 members made up food and nutrition professionals, I am honored to share in our continued mission to promote optimal nutrition, health and well-being to the people of Hawaii.

In good health and gratitude,


Quarterly Newsletter

Newsletter – July 2013

Aloha HDA members and fellow colleagues,

I am excited, honored and privileged to serve as your president for the coming year. There is a lot to look forward to. HDA will be celebrating 75 years as an organization made up of food and nutrition professionals. Indeed we have much to celebrate. In 2012 we finally achieved our goal of the implementation of dietitian licensure, the Academy has empowered registered dietitians to get the much deserved recognition as the nutrition experts by making a bold move to change the name of the national association to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics otherwise known as AND. Dietitians may also use the newly designated credential RDN which stands for “registered dietitian nutritionist”. This title designation encompasses all that we do in our daily work and in our profession.

I invite you to meet your HDA leadership and board of directors by visiting the HDA website. HDA has been very active as an organization. HDA and its members have participated in numerous community events, health fairs, professional coalitions, as well as formed key partnerships while attending the Physical Activity & Nutrition (PAN) Summit. Additionally, I would love to hear from those of you who are currently involved in any food or nutrition related initiatives. Our Hawaii community and our board members need to become more aware of all the good work that is being done by HDA members across the state.

We are always looking at ways to increase member involvement and ways to provide growth as well as professional development opportunities for our members. Organizations such as HDA know the importance of preparing and cultivating our future leaders. HDA has developed a mentorship program to serve this purpose.

The board has a number of committees working on some very exciting projects. Committees needing your help and talents include our Website, Public Policy Panel, Fundraising and Spring Conference planning committees.
Please consider running for office or getting involved at a level that is workable for you.

One of the goals of the board is to increase volunteerism and our visibility as nutrition experts in and among the community. HDA continues to develop and build new partnerships with organizations who share a common vision to promote health and wellness. As a result of increasing recognition and visibility, our website committee has a vision to give the HDA website a much needed face lift. The goal is to enhance our website in an effort to reach a wider audience while providing our members with a website that is streamlined, intuitive, user friendly, informational, current and fun.

The HDA board meetings are always open to all HDA members. On behalf of our board members and leadership, I invite you to join us. Board meetings are held bimonthly at Castle Medical Center in the administrative conference room. A list of dates will be made available on the HDA website.

In celebration of 75 amazing years, your HDA board of directors is planning a special event in addition to the annual spring conference in recognition of the rich history of our organization. We welcome your submissions of pictures past and present, HDA memorabilia of all kinds, and any stories you wish to share with your fellow colleagues. You may contact Ann Ditzler, committee chair and immediate past president via email as listed on our website.

As an organization of more than 300 members made up food and nutrition professionals, I am honored to share in our continued mission to promote optimal nutrition, health and well-being to the people of Hawaii.

In good health and gratitude,
