How to Submit a Job Listing

Do you have a job opening of interest? Please fill out this form to have your job advertised. You can pay now by clicking the button “Pay Now” on the sidebar or through check as noted here. Note- if you are a HAND member, you can post your job for free!

Fee for service:
$75.00 for 2 months of advertising (a minimum), posting on our Facebook page, as well as an email blast to our HAND members

Make checks payable to:
Hawai‘i Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Send payments to:
Hawai‘i Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
P.O. Box 22298
Honolulu, Hawai‘i

Only job openings in Hawai‘i and islands in the US Affiliated Pacific are accepted for posting. Jobs in other locations need submitting to other venues such as Jobs in Dietetics, Nutrition Jobs, Harper Associates or AND’s Recruitment Network.

Each job listing is removed after 60 days, unless you notify us sooner.
Placement and formatting of job listings are at the discretion of HAND officers.

Contact for questions:
