Do you have information of interest to our members? We welcome submissions from HAND members and non-members alike.

If you would like to advertise a job opening, please click here for information and instructions.

Otherwise, email the HAND web editor ( the following information:

  1. Title of the post.
  2. Content/body of the post as you would like it to appear, including links.
  3. If the posting has attachments, please consider the following:
    1. Photographs and Videos: please write the title or list person(s) featured.
    2. PDFs with information: please write in the body of the posting text where this should appear by either writing “name of the document” or “click here” or “for more information/details”.
  4. If applicable, show the date by which you would like this post published. Let us know if you do not wish this information to appear on the HAND’s Facebook or Google+ pages.

The web editor will make sure the information is accurately posted and will make editorial changes as necessary. Mahalo!

Please note: the web editor and website committee reserve the right to refuse submissions at their discretion.